Customer Service / Contact Us

Grimpeur Bros. Specialty Coffee is a labor of love...and a business. We are fanatical about cycling and are uber coffee geeks. We also care that our friends and customers are treated correctly given the trust you've put in us for delivering great coffee.
If for some reason, you are not completely satisfied with any bag of Grimpeur Bros. Specialty Coffee, we'll replace the coffee or give you 100% of your money back. Full stop. We care.
If you have a question about coffee, cycling, or need immediate assistance, contact Dan via email at:
Orders at
Or hit us up on the interwebs:
Twitter: @grimpeurbros
Instagram: @grimpeurbrosspecialtycoffee
Of if you'd like to snail mail us:
Grimpeur Bros. Specialty Coffee
2305B Montclaire St.
Austin, TX 78704
Ride your bike. Drink great coffee.
Austin, TX | Brooklyn, NY